Arizona State University
University Senate
Fall 2011
Senate Motion #2012-13
Motion Introduced by: Eduardo Pagán and the UAC
Date of Introduction for First Reading: September 26, 2011
Date of Second Reading: October 24, 2011
Title of Motion: Motion in support of the New American University
Whereas, a persistent minority has lobbied for the separation of the West and Polytechnic campuses from Arizona State University, and
Whereas, a few state legislators have taken up that campaign as the representative views of faculty at the West and Polytechnic campuses, and
Whereas, state legislators have expressed their intention of submitting a bill to the Arizona legislature to separate the West and Polytechnic campuses from Arizona State University and create autonomous universities out of these campuses, and
Whereas, the overwhelming majority of faculty at the West and Polytechnic campuses steadfastly oppose any plan to become an autonomous institution separated from Arizona State University,
Be it resolved: The faculty of ASU and specifically at the West and Polytechnic campuses resoundingly express their approval of the one university in many places model and vigorously voice their desire to remain part of Arizona State University and the New American University.