

Arizona State University
University Senate
Fall 2011

Senate Motion #2012-18

Motion Introduced by:         Personnel Committee/UAC
Date of First Reading:          November 21, 2011
Date of Second Reading:      January 23, 2012
Title of Motion:                     University Professional Support for Non-Tenure Track Faculty
NTT Task Force Report Can Be accessed by clicking here

 Amended on the Senate Floor, location below. 
Whereas full-time, non-tenure-track (NTT) faculty constitute at least 30% of the ASU faculty, and 
Whereas full-time NTT faculty contribute significantly to every aspect of the university’s mission, including teaching, scholarship, embedded service to ASU and the community, and global embeddedness, the role of NTT faculty is critical to the mission of ASU (the New American University) and the State of Arizona, and
Whereas many full-time NTT faculty are career professionals who have made vested long term commitments to the university, a faculty survey showed 30% being employed six to ten years, and 21% being employed 11 or more years at ASU, and 
Whereas full time NTT faculty who have committed to the university have a right to view their position as a career, and
Whereas  ABOR's policy (ABOR 6-201) establishes that full-time NTT faculty who have demonstrated excellence in their field have the right to apply for a Multi-Year appointment; and 

Whereas, it is in the best interests of the University to provide a sense of security of employment for qualified NTT faculty through the use of rolling multi-year contracts in that exceptional faculty who qualify would be provided with a fair and ethical sense of job security,and

Whereas the American Association of University Professors and the Coalition on the Academic Workforce have performed significant research and have recently recommended improving the status of full-time, non-tenure track faculty nationwide,
Be it resolved:

  1. That ASU re-establish the system of multi-year contracts for NTT faculty, in keeping with the approved Senate Motion IV (February 23, 2009 Special Session). 
  2. That ASU require each college and school to establish in their bylaws a clear path for review and promotion of "all full-time" NTT faculty, to include defined dates for contract renewals or terminations, in keeping with ACD 111-02. 
  3. That ASU reinstitute the use of rolling multi-year contracts for NTT faculty who qualify, in keeping with the approved Senate Motion IV (February 23, 2009 Special Session).
  4. That the University Senate request consultation with the ASU Administration to define, for purposes of the ACD Manual, the requirements, responsibilities, and promotional pathway (if any) for the position of Instructor.  
  5. That the University and units provide full-time NTT faculty professional development opportunities to include travel, recognition, awards, paid professional leave, and emeritus status.
  6. That units allow participation of full-time NTT faculty on governance decisions in matters that affect them.
  7. That the University Senate establishes a standing committee, NTT Policy Committee, to address concerns and make recommendations to the UAC regarding NTT faculty issues.
  8. That any NTT faculty policies and procedures adopted as a result of this resolution be reviewed three years after implementation by the proposed NTT Policy Committee.


Approved as Amended

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