
Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2012

Senate Motion #2012-24

Motion Introduced by: Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, Arnold Maltz, Chair
Date of First Reading: January 23, 2012
Date of Second Reading: February 20, 2012
Title of Motion: Request from the School of Letters and Sciences – Science, Mathematics and Social   Science - for the establishment of a graduate degree program – MS in Global Technology  and Devvelopment
Action Requested: The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate approval of a proposal submitted by the School of Letters and Sciences – Science, Mathematics and Social Science - for the establishment of a graduate degree program – MS in Global Technology and Development
Rationale: The MS in Global Technology and Development is a program in international social,
Economic and political development, which highlights the variable of technology in these development processes, and analyzes change within the context of the current era of globalization. One of the central concerns addressed in the program is the global disparity in wealth and access to resources and basic needs, both between and within countries. Students are encouraged to pursue unique research questions in the developed or the developing worlds, which engage them in social science research on issues related to technology and human socioeconomic and political development. Students take theoretical, research, policy and regional studies courses to prepare them for their master’s culminating experience requirement of a thesis, applied project, or comprehensive examination, depending upon the interests and goals of each student.




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