
Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2012

Senate Motion #2012-28

2 Readings Waived and Approved

Motion Introduced by: University Academic Council, Joseph R. Carter, Chair

Date:  February 20, 2012
Title of Motion: Resolution on SB 1474 - WEAPONS; UNIVERSITY; COLLEGE GROUNDS
Whereas, the University Senate at Arizona State University has thrice adopted resolutions in opposition to allowing firearms on our campuses;

Whereas, a poll of opinion showed that the vast majority of faculty and Academic Professionals at Arizona State University, who responded, opposed the presence of firearms on our campuses except by a certified peace officer;

Whereas, the Chief of the Arizona State University Police Department has publicly articulated a clear rationale for not allowing firearms on our campuses;

Whereas, access and proximity to weapons in an educational environment are not consistent with the goals of learning, open communication and intellectual exchange in the university community; 
Therefore, the University Academic Council of Arizona State University and the University Senate,  announces its unqualified opposition to Senate Bill 1474 currently under consideration by the Arizona Legislature and finds it to be a clear danger to the safety, security, and sense of well-being of students, staff, and faculty.
University Academic Council
Joseph R. Carter, Chair & President Tempe Campus
Judy Grace, Secretary
Mirna Lattouf, President, Downtown campus
Craig Allen, Past President, Downtown campus
Cristi Coursen, President-elect, Downtown campus
Jeffrey Thomas, President, Polytechnic campus
David Forsyth, President-elect, Polytechnic campus
Holly Huffman, Past President, Polytechnic campus 
Helene Ossipov, President-elect, Tempe campus
Mark Lussier, Past President, Tempe campus 
Barbara Tinsley, President, West campus
Connie Borror, Past President, West campus



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