Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2012
Senate Motion #2012-29
Motion was amended on the Senate floor
Motion Introduced by: University Academic Council, Joseph R. Carter, Chair
Date of First Reading: February 20, 2012
Date of Second Reading: March 26, 2012
Title of Motion: New Academic Assembly Representation Model for the University Academic Council.
Amendment was approved by the Senate that the University Librarians be provided representation on the UAC. See Senate 7 Minutes, 3-26-2012
Whereas a central tenant of faculty governance at Arizona State University should be equal representation at the leadership level for all members of the Academic Assembly; and
Whereas the current model for ASU leadership on the University Academic Council (UAC) neither provides for equitable treatment of all members of the academic assembly nor allows for the pursuit of future equitable representation as university organizational changes occur;
Be it resolved that the University Academic Council be charged with presenting a leadership governance model as specified within this resolution that provides for equitable representation for all members of the academic assembly and incorporates this new model into the University Senate Constitution.
Be it further resolved that all constitutional changes made within the authority of this resolution be presented to the ASU Academic Assembly for membership approval as specified by the University Senate Constitution.