Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2012
Senate Motion #2012-33
Motion Introduced by: Student-Faculty Policy Committee, Cristi Coursen, Chair
Date of First Reading: March 26, 2012
Date of Second Reading: April 23, 2012
Title of Motion: Request that Sun Devil Success students be required to complete UNI 120: Academic Success Seminar
Action Requested: The Student-Faculty Policy Committee recommends that UNI 120: Academic Success Seminar be required for Sun Devil Success students —that the course be added to students’ DARS.
Rationale: Sun Devil Success is a program for entering freshmen whose calculated index scores (combination of high school GPA, high school class rank, and ACT/SAT score) indicate that they will benefit from additional support as they transition from high school to college. The Sun Devil Success program (formerly called Summer Bridge and then University Bridge) has a proven record of helping students be successful. For example, University Bridge students who participated in the program in 2011 had a fall 2011 GPA of 2.48 while those who chose not participate had a fall 2011 GPA of 1.66. Those who participated in the program enrolled in the spring 2012 semester at a rate of 86.9%. The return rate for those who chose not to participate was 75.4%. By requiring Sun Devil Success students to enroll in UNI 120, the university has a lever to require them to participate in other parts of the program—e.g., tutoring, weekly meetings with success teams.