
Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2012

Senate Motion #2012-39

Motion below reflects the final version after two amendments approved on the senate floor, see SM#8 Minutes 2012. 


Motion Introduced by: Student Faculty Policy Committee Cristi Coursen, Chair
Date of First Read: March 26, 2012
Date of Second Read: April 23, 2012
Title of Motion: Enhancing University Academic Integrity Policies and Procedures
Be It Resolved That:

The University reaffirms Senate Resolution #10: Affirming Academic Integrity. Approved March 21st, 2005 (Appendix A).

  • The University revises the ASU academic integrity site to make students, faculty, and administrators partners in addressing academic integrity. 
  • Every student, during orientation and again at the time of registration for classes, must agree to the student code of conduct.  This should be a “to do” item in MyASU.
  • All course syllabi should have the link to the academic integrity statement found at https://provost.asu.edu/node/20  and the “Code of Student Conduct” as stated in University policy found in the Student Services Manual athttp://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/ssm/ssm104-01.html.
  • All course syllabi should address discipline-specific issues of academic integrity and the benefits and harm that occur if not respected
  • Students should sign an honor code, at the program level, where relevant, practical, and possible.
  • Every unit should have its own discipline-specific guidelines regarding academic integrity.
  • Each unit should have a designated academic integrity officer as a faculty resource who is familiar with ASU’s academic integrity policy.
  • Violations of academic integrity should proceed through the academic unit to the dean and then the provost.  In order to track multiple violations, ASU Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (https://eoss.asu.edu/dos/srr/filingreport) should be informed.
  • The topic of academic integrity be introduced during new faculty orientation and reinforced by Deans and Directors at the beginning of each academic year.
  • Faculty be encouraged to craft syllabi and course assignments so that students clearly understand how to avoid breaches of academic integrity.

 Rationale: Provost Capaldi charged the Senate to make academic integrity a major focus of its work for academic year 2011-2012.  The Student-Faculty Policy Committee was charged with this task.  Under the direction of the Office of the Provost and the University Senate President, the Student Faculty Policy Committee worked to analyze the current system, identify problems and potential solutions to address this issue at the unit level, and to consider a repository for the information that is easily accessible to faculty. Faculty have the responsibility to educate students on academic integrity and adherence to its principles. Although detection and sanctions are important, it is equally important to focus on prevention.

  • Lack of awareness:  Faculty lack the knowledge to identify and appropriately resolve the issue of a breach in academic integrity.
  • Inconsistency:  Differences across departments and among faculty regarding response and approach to violation of academic integrity contributes to confusion for students/international students.
  • Resources:  While several resources are available, they are housed in different locations on ASU’s website. The current academic integrity website is student focused. Faculty also need to be included.


Senate Resolution #10 (2004-2005) Affirming Academic Integrity

Introduced: December 6, 2004

Introduced by: Student Faculty Policy Committee, Steve Happel, Chair

Approved: March 21, 2005

Second Reading: January 24, 2005 (tabled until February 21 Senate meeting). Senate Resolution 10-A and revised Resolution 10-B were passed by the Senate on February 21, 2005. 
Resolutions were to be taken up again in March.
Resolutions 10-C, 10-D, 10-E, & 10-F were approved March 21, 2005
Affirming Academic Integrity
Resolution 10-A. Whereas all universities face ongoing issues of academic integrity and dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, deception), whereas new technologies (cell phones, other electronic devices) make testing ever more difficult, whereas ASU strives for the highest standing as a renowned teaching institution, and whereas ASU seeks ethical behavior and individual performance from its students, be it resolved that the institution values a culture of academic integrity, one that is highly respected by students, faculty, university administrators and the community at large.
Resolution 10-B  In order to enhance a culture of academic integrity, be it resolved: that the brochure on academic integrity is widely distributed and discussed with all incoming freshmen and transfer students, then signed and kept by the students; up-to-moment anti-plagiarism software is readily available for all faculty wishing to use it; a university-wide pool of graduate student proctors is established so that large classes have extensive proctoring for exams; and the degree of assistance for faculty confronting issues of dishonesty by the Office of Student Life and college units be more widely understood and utilized.
Resolution 10-C  In order to enhance a culture of academic integrity, be it resolved: that a website present the University's stance on academic integrity and dishonesty that is signed by the President of the University, the President of the Academic Senate, and the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Association Presidents; that faculty be strongly encouraged to have this website listed on the first page of the course syllabus and to address cheating and plagiarism from the start of the semester; that a faculty handbook be developed that summarizes the fundamental rules on cheating, institution support, and types of testing methods in reference to the extent of cheating.
Resolution 10-D  In order to enhance a culture of academic integrity, be it resolved that up-to-the-moment anti-plagiarism software and other such technologies are made readily available for all faculty wanting to employ them and that their usage is announced in class.
Resolution 10-E  In order to enhance a culture of academic integrity, be it resolved that a pool of proctors is established in each college to monitor large sections on exam days, and that the University formulate procedures and training guidelines.
Resolution 10-F  In order to enhance a culture of academic integrity, be it resolved that each college designate an individual who serves as the lead authority when cheating problems arise in the college, who receives from faculty any instances of cheating that involve written sanctions, and who twice a year meets with the other designates to derive numbers on the overall extent of cheating and plagiarism cases and to develop steps to be taken to address specific problems.


Approved as Amended

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