
Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2012

Senate Motion #2012-44

Motion Introduced by: Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, Arnold Maltz, Chair
Date of First Reading: March 26, 2012

Date of Second Reading: April 23, 2012
Title of Motion: Request from the College of Public Programs – School of Community Resources and Development – for the establishment of a graduate certificate in – Sustainable Tourism
Action Requested: The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate approval of a proposal submitted by the College of Public Programs – School of Community Resources and Development – for the establishment of a graduate certificate in – Sustainable Tourism
Rationale: The School of Community Resources and Development proposes to offer a Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Tourism in addition to the Master of Advanced Study (MAS) in Sustainable Tourism through SCRD. The certificate is intended for professionals who work in or desire to work in the tourism industry. The program provides an opportunity for students to obtain a graduate level certificate from an academic institution for academic credit that addresses the unique character of sustainability and sustainable practices in tourism development and management. Students interested in sustainable tourism management explore the practice of management and development of sustainable tourism businesses and destinations. Students who complete the certificate will have knowledge in topics such as the integration of economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainability as it relates to tourism; conducting sustainability audits for destinations and businesses; community impacts of tourism; and sustainable destination and business planning and management.



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