
Arizona State University
University Senate
Fall 2012

Senate Motion #2013-21


Motion Introduced by:         Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee
                                                Arnold Maltz, Chair 

Date of First Reading:          November 5, 2012

Date of Second Reading:      December 3, 2012

Title of Motion:  

Request from the W.P. Carey School of Business – Department of Management – for the establishment of an undergraduate degree program – BS in Business Entrepreneurship

Action Requested:

The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate approval of a proposal submitted by the W.P. Carey School of Business – Department of Management – for the establishment of an undergraduate degree program – BS in Business Entrepreneurship


This proposal for a BS in Business Entrepreneurship is simply a change in status from our popular entrepreneurship concentration within management to its own degree within the management department. There will be no content changes with this move.
The program prepares students to identify, evaluate and develop entrepreneurial opportunities, whether in existing companies or through new business ventures. Students earning the degree may follow multiple self-directed paths such as starting a new venture, working for a new venture or a small business, or working as an innovative leader within an existing organization. The degree has an emphasis on collaboration, leadership, communication and team building, as well as development in refined analytical, managerial and leadership skills appropriate for people who want to change the world through new product development and innovation.



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