
Arizona State University
University Senate
Fall 2012

Senate Motion #2013-23


Motion Introduced by:         Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee
                                                Arnold Maltz, Chair 

Date of First Reading:          November 5, 2012

Date of Second Reading:      December 3, 2012

Title of Motion:                     

Request from the W.P. Carey School of Business – Department of Marketing – for the establishment of an undergraduate certificate – Sales and Marketing Essentials

Action Requested:

The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate approval of a proposal submitted by the W.P. Carey School of Business – Department of Marketing – for the establishment of an undergraduate certificate – Sales and Marketing Essentials


The Certificate in Sales and Marketing Essentials is targeted to undergraduate non-business majors. While marketing majors and other BS students may not enroll in this Certificate, we would like the flexibility to allow non-degree students to pursue this Certificate. As a “free-standing” program, the Certificate (versus a minor or concentration) is most appropriate. Students are very interested in enhancing the value of their ASU degree. In addition, though not their core area of study, many students ultimately find entry-level positions in the sales domain. Based on input from the W. P. Carey Academic Advising staff, non-business majors would be very interested in a certificate that provides coverage of sales and marketing. According to the Business Career Center (BCC) staff, employers, who are specifically interested in hiring students for sales roles, would be very interested in students who completed a certificate in sales and marketing. Though the courses are offered through the marketing department, the content is broad and far-reaching, covering a wide variety of topics. More importantly, the Certificate in Sales and Marketing Essentials clearly leads to advanced specialization in the marketing field.



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