
Arizona State University
University Senate
Fall 2012

Senate Motion #2013-26


Motion Introduced by:         Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee
                                                Arnold Maltz, Chair 

Date of First Reading:          December 3, 2012

Date of Second Reading:      January 28, 2013

Title of Motion:                    
Request from the College of Technology and Innovation – Department of Engineering - for the establishment of a graduate degree – MS in Engineering

Action Requested:

The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate approval of a proposal submitted by the– College of Technology and Innovation – Department of Engineering – for the establishment of a graduate degree – MS in Engineering


This program extends the unique approaches to engineering education developed at the Polytechnic campus at the undergraduate level to the graduate level. The M.S. in Engineering program consists of a core set of courses designed to develop applied analytical expertise across disciplinary boundaries, with direct applications of advanced design principles to system design, management and control. The expertise developed in the core curriculum is reinforced through focus areas building on existing unit faculty strengths, including alternative energy, mechanical, electrical and manufacturing engineering. Reflective of the approach taken to engineering education in the undergraduate program, the program incorporates a relevant project, required of all students in this degree program, within the focus area courses. The degree will offer a course-only option plus options culminating in a Master’s thesis, capstone course or an applied project. Each of these options is designed to engage students with real-world applications of engineering and to develop problem solving skills.



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