Arizona State University
University Senate
Fall 2012
Senate Motion #2013-27
Motion Introduced by: Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee
Arnold Maltz, Chair
Date of First Reading: January 28, 2013
Date of Second Reading: February 18, 2013
Title of Motion:
Request from the College of Health Solutions and the School of Letters and Sciences for the transfer of a graduate degree program-Doctor of Behavioral Health from the School of Letters and Sciences to the College of Health Solutions
Action Requested:
The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate approval of a proposal submitted by the College of College of Health Solutions and the School of Letters and Sciences - for the transfer of a graduate degree program - Doctor of Behavioral Health - from the School of Letters and Sciences to College of Health Solutions
This proposal is to transfer the Doctoral of Behavioral Health program from the School of Letters and Sciences to the College of Health Solutions. The program in Behavioral Health is aligned with the academic programs in the College of Health Solutions. Organizationally, it makes sense to house the health programs together to enhance intellectual and program connection for students and faculty. There will be no impact on current students as the program requirements and faculty are not changing. The program will remain in the existing facility.