Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2013
Senate Motion #2013-42
Motion Introduced by: University Academic Council
Date of First Reading: February 18, 2013
Date of Second Reading: March 25, 2013
Title of Motion: Amending University Senate Bylaw II to reflect the newly formed Non Tenure Track Faculty Committee as a Senate Standing Committee.
Action Requested: Change University Senate Bylaw II to indicate that the Non Tenure Track Faculty Committee will now be an official senate standing committee. Included in this change will be the charge, function and membership requirements of this committee which are noted in detail below.
Rationale: One of the formal recommendations made by the Non Tenure Track Task Force in Senate Motion 2012-18 was that a Non Tenure Track Faculty standing committee be developed within the University Senate. The official wording of this request taken from Senate Motion 2012-18 is as follows:
“That the University Senate establishes a standing committee, NTT Policy Committee, to address concerns and make recommendations to the UAC regarding NTT faculty issues.”
Provost Phillips in her response to the forming of this NTT standing committee as requested by Senate Motion 2012-18 responded by saying,
“it is not my position to comment on such internal senate matters.”
Click here to see the current Constitution and Bylaws
Click here to read Senate Motion 2012-18 University Professional Support for Non-Tenure Track Faculty
If approved by the Senate, passes a legal review and is approved by administration, the following information will be inserted into Bylaw II (ACD 112-01)of the constitution in the following locations:
Proposed Language Below
Bylaw II B, 1, c, under other committees: Insert: 2. Non Tenure Track Faculty Committee
Bylaw II, 9,: Insert:
b. Non-Tenure Track Faculty Committee
1. Membership Friendly amendment approved by senate is noted below
each from the Tempe,West, Polytechnic, and Downtown Phoenix campuses,
at least one of whom from each campus will be a non-tenure track or
academic professional faculty member. Senators will cast votes only for the
nominees from their own campus. The remaining members of this
committee may be either tenured, tenure track or non-tenure track faculty or
academic professionals of any rank, who are members of the academic
assembly. The at large member shall be a member chosen at large from any
campus of the University.
of the university, the executive vice president and chief financial officers of
the university, and the chair of the UAC or their designees.
c. The term of elected members shall be two years. One half of the elected
members shall be replaced each year.
2. Purpose and function
To serve in an advisory capacity in the study, clarification, and formulation of policy and procedures in areas affecting the university, including:
that specifically impact this group of colleagues and their mission for the
b. To identify any issues (past, present, or future) that need to be addressed,
and then,
c. Using a sound methodology, to collect the essential information to formulate
a position, draft appropriate resolutions with supporting documentation, and
d. To report its research and recommendations at least annually and from time
to time as may be necessary, to the UAC for presentation to the ASU Senate
as policy recommendations or action items, as may be appropriate.