
Arizona State University
University Senate
Fall 2013

Senate Motion #2014-11

Motion Introduced by: Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, Eduardo Pagan, Chair
Date of First Reading: October 7, 2013
Date of Second Reading: November 4, 2013
Title of Motion: Request from the School of Letters and Sciences – Technical Communication Program - for the establishment of a graduate degree – M.S. in Technical Communication
Action Requested: The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate approval of a proposal submitted by the School of Letters and Sciences – Technical Communication Program - for the establishment of a graduate degree – M.S. in Technical Communication
Rationale: The proposed program will teach students how to design, produce, and manage print and digital texts, using traditional and developing technologies. The curriculum will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the professional, cultural, and ethical issues that shape the field; it will balance theory and practice to ensure students develop the analytical abilities, technology expertise, and hands-on skills necessary for success as a technical communicator. Students who complete the program will be accomplished writers, editors, designers, and researchers who are able to respond effectively to a range of audiences, issues, and communication situations. The program will prepare students for technical communication positions in the private, public, and non-profit sectors and will offer professionals the opportunity to further advance their careers.



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