Arizona State University
University Senate
Fall 2013
Senate Motion #2014-25
Motion Introduced by: Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee. Eduardo Pagan, Chair
Date of First Reading: November 4, 2013
Date of Second Reading: December 2, 2013
Title of Motion: Request from the College of Public Programs–School of Community Resources and Development- for the establishment of an undergraduate degree –BS in Community Sports Management
Action Requested: The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate approval of a proposal submitted by the College of Public Programs – School of Community
Resources and Development – for the establishment of an undergraduate degree – BS in Community Sports Management
Rationale: The community sports management degree will focus on the many roles recreational and amateur sports play within a community as a mechanism to contribute to quality of life, domestically and abroad. Emphasis will be on the role of sports in youth development; the role of sports organizations and programs in community development; the impact of sports tourism and multisport events on community development; and the role of sports in delivery of nonprofit agency services. Both a program and a managerial emphasis will be targeted, with an emphasis on delivery of services across the lifespan. Some specific areas of opportunity include work with youth sports, adaptive sports, sports events, sports tourism and sports clubs.