

Arizona State University
University Senate
Fall 2013

Senate Motion #2014-37


BIO         151         Biological Thinking
FIN         545         Advanced Corporate Finance
FIN         555         Entrepreneurial Finance
FIN         565         Risk Management in Banks and Financial Institutions
FIN         575         Finance Capstone
GTD       509         Technology and Development in North Africa
MGT      446         Venture Capital Experience
MGT      447         Lean Launch
PHI         520         Topics in Applied Philosophy
PHI         521         Bioethics
PHI         522         Ethics of Sustainability
PHI         524         Disaster Ethics
PHI         525         Rational Choice
PHI         526         Evolution and Strategic Interaction
PHI         527         Justice and Reparations
PHI         529         Feminist Philosophy
PHI         530         Moral Psychology
PHI         531         Philosophy of Emotion
PHI         532         Experimental Philosophy
PHI         533         Philosophy and Art
PHI         540         Topics in Value Theory
PHI         541         Normative Ethics
PHI         544         Studies in Meta-Ethics
PHI         545         Studies in Philosophy of Law
PHI         546         Studies in Political Philosophy
PHI         555         Topics in Formal Methods
PHI         556         Advanced Symbolic Logic
PHI         557         Philosophy of Mathematics
PHI         560         Topics in Epistemology
PHI         562         Perception
PHI         565         Probabilism
PHI         566         Studies in Philosophy of Science
PHI         570         Topics in Metaphysics
PHI         571         Studies in Philosophy of Mind
PHI         572         Studies in Philosophy of Language
PHI         576         Realism
PHI         581         Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy
PHI         582         Studies in Modern Philosophy
PHI         586         20th and 21st c. Philosophers
PHI         587         Topics in the History of Philosophy
SPA        317         Spanish for the Professions



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