

Arizona State University
University Senate
Fall 2013

Senate Motion #2014-44

Motion Introduced by: Ad-Hoc Committee on New Course Proposals
Date of First Reading: December 2, 2013
Date of Second Reading: February 3, 2014
Title of Motion: New Course Proposals-Balancing Speed and Responsiveness with Rigor and Quality.
Action Requested: We request the following motion be approved by the Senate and distributed widely to faculty, academic professionals and academic units on campus. 

Rationale: Whereas ABOR 6-201 and §A.R.S. 15-601 mandate that the faculty participate in the governance of the university;

Whereas the University Senate constitution provides for faculty oversight in matters related to curricula;

Whereas all new courses originate at the unit level and are reviewed by both a unit level and college/school level curriculum committee;

Whereas all new courses receive a University level review by a team of staff members in the Provost office;

Whereas the current pace and competitiveness of higher education requires both speed and responsiveness in order to meet ever changing demands;

Whereas the faculty are solely responsible for maintaining the quality of the Arizona State University degree;

Be it resolved that the University Senate and all faculty led curricular committees shall be fully committed to speed and responsiveness in reviewing new course proposals, but this will be balanced by a parallel commitment to rigor and quality in each new course that is developed.   



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