

Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2014

Senate Motion #2014-52

Motion Introduced by: Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, Eduardo Pagan, Chair
Date of First Reading: March 3, 2014
Date of Second Reading: March 31, 2014

Title of Motion: Request from the College of Public Programs– School of Public Affairs/School of Community Resources and Development - for the establishment of an undergraduate certificate in – Leadership, Ethics and Service

Action Requested: The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate approval of a proposal submitted by the College Public Programs – School of Public Affairs/School of Community Resources and Development – for the establishment of an undergraduate certificate in – Leadership, Ethics and Service

Rationale: The College of Public Programs in collaboration with General Benjamin Freakley, Special Advisor to President Crow and Professor of Practice in the School of Public Affairs, will launch a certificate in Leadership, Ethics and Service in fall 2014. The program will include course work with an emphasis on values, ethics, leadership and public service. In addition to in-class instruction the certificate will include a service learning component during one summer, and out of classroom activities including a retreat seminars, and community service activities.



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