Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2014
Senate Motion #2014-61
First Reading: via E-mail on March 17, 2014
Second Reading: March 31, 2014
Proposed Courses (Motion Amended)
FSE 104 EPICS Gold Feasibility and Planning
FSE 150 Perspectives in Grand Challenges for Engineering
IBC 612 Introduction to Behavioral Interventions
IBC 615 Innovative Technologies in Behavioral Health
MCO 425 Digital Media Literacy
NUR 615 Qualitative Data Management Seminar
NUR 616 Community-Based Participatory Research
POS 475 Morality and Politics
REL 282 PreHispanic Native American Worldviews
SHS 526 Launch to Clinical Methods in Audiology
SHS 538 Clinical Methods in Speech-Language Pathology
SHS 539 Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology
SOS 441 Mathematical Concepts and Tools in Sustainability
SOS 541 Mathematical Concepts and Tools in Sustainability
SWG 514 Bridge Seminar I
SWG 515 Bridge Seminar II
SWG 516 Social Work Skills Seminar
SWG 526 Mental Health for Sentencing
SWG 527 Mitigation of Death and Life Cases
SWG 528 Presentence Investigations
SWG 529 Alternatives to Penal Sanctions
TEL 300 The Community Embedded Experience
THP 457 Digital Portfolio
The following three courses were not approved and returned to the unit for revisions:
IBC 620 Psychosomatic Illness: Diagnosis & Treatment
IBC 670 Integrated Behavioral Health Interventions for Substance Use Disorders
IBC 724 Behavioral Health Management