

Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2014

Senate Motion #2014-66

First Reading: via E-mail on April 14, 2014
Second Reading: April 28, 2014
Proposed Courses
AMS 502   American Studies:  Theory and Method
APL   555   Disciplinary Discourses
BIO    530   Scientific Teaching
BIO    531   Advanced Scientific Teaching
BIO    532   Recent Papers in Discipline-Based Education Research
BMY  501   Essentials of Biomimicry
BMY  502   Life's Principles
BMY  503   Biology Taught Functionally
BMY  504   Biomimicry Thinking
BMY  511   Biomimicry and Design
BMY  512   Biomimicry and Engineering
BMY  516   Biomimicry and Business
BMY  517   Human-Nature Connection
BMY  530   Virtual Design Lab Practicum
CED   502   Intro Counseling Research Data Analysis
CON  106   Introduction to Concrete Materials for the Built Environment
CON  531   Facility Management - Building Energy Management
CON  532   Facilities Project Management
ENG  205   Introduction to Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies
ENG  390   Methods of Inquiry
ENG  391   Writing in Context
ENG  392   History of Rhetorical Theory
ENG  393   Theories of Literacy
GER   445   The Holocaust in German Mediated Memory
GER   446   Weimar-Era German Film
GER   447   German Modernism
GER   550   German for Reading Knowledge
HEB   411   Judaism and the Beginnings of Christianity
HON  370   History of Ideas
HON  380   Aesthetics and Society
HON  381   Science and Social Worlds
IBC   620    Psychosomatic Illness: Diagnosis & Treatment
IBC   670    Integrated Behavioral Health Interventions for Substance Use Disorders
IBC   724    Behavioral Health Management
JPN  315    The Language of Japanese Popular Culture I
JUS   440    Prisons, Power and the Punishments of the Past
JUS   456    Human Rights and Sustainability
MAT 440    Group Theory
MAT  441   Ring Theory
MAT  448   Cryptography II
MAT  495   Undergraduate Research
MUP  459   Barrett Choir
NAV   102   Sea Power and Maritime Affairs
NAV   202   Navigation
NAV   301   Naval Ship Systems I
NAV   302   Naval Ship Systems II: Weapons
NAV   303   Evolution of Warfare
NAV   401   Naval Operations and seamanship
NAV   403   Amphibious Warfare
OGL   320   Foundations of Project Management
PPE    240   Physical Activity
PSY    432   Embodied Cognition
RUS    440   Russian Mass Media
SOS    435   US Energy: Pathways to Sustainability
SOS    442   Sustainability Indicators
SOS    542   Sustainability Indicators
SOS    546   Life Cycle Assessment for Civil Systems
SOS    547    Urban Infrastructure Anatomy and Sustainable Development
SOS    555   US Energy: Pathways to Sustainability
STP    495    Undergraduate Research
TCL    275   Culture, Language & Learning
TEL    200   Introduction to Community Embedded Learning
TEL     400   Leading and Sustaining Community Embeddedness
TEL     410   Community Impact
WST   501   Foundations of  Feminist Thought
WST   502   Interdisciplinary Gender Research Methods 
WST   620   Advanced Feminist Theory in a Transnational Context



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