

Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2014

Senate Motion #2014-68

Motion Introduced by: Research and Creative Activities Committee
Date of First Reading: April 15, 2014 via e-mail
Date of Second Reading: April 28, 2014
Title of Motion: Establishing Responsibility for Safety
Action Requested: Both the Research and Creative Activities Committee and the University Academic Council recommend passage of this motion.

Click here to read background information regarding this proposed policy.   
 Proposed language for new Policy ACD 307

To establish responsibility for laboratory safety.
Provost Office
Environmental Health & Safety
Academic Professionals
Everyone working at ASU, paid or unpaid and including students, is responsible for safety.  Each individual bears responsibility to assess the risks of their activities, to remain current on required training, follow safety procedures, and take a pro-active role in ensuring their personal safety and the safety of others.
Faculty, Academic Professionals, and others who supervise laboratories or similar areas (Lab Supervisors) where hazards or other risks to safety are present need to be especially alert to the personal safety of all people who have authorized activities in the areas.   Lab Supervisors  bear the obligation of stewardship for safe practices by personnel under their supervision.  The Supervisors must coordinate with unit chairs/directors, unit-level safety committees, and EH&S to identify potential hazards and to implement policies and training to mitigate these risks.  
Advice and guidance should be given to anyone who may be exposed to risk.  The importance of safety in the facilities should be made clear, especially to students.   Supervisors should ensure that all personnel have received the appropriate safety training, that proper personnel protective equipment is available in proper working order, and that emergency  procedures are known and posted.  Supervisors should make good-faith efforts to ensure compliance with safety policies and that personnel conduct their work safely.



Additional Documents

Attachment Size
2014-68_acd_307_safety_4-15-14.pdf (7.16 KB) 7.16 KB
background_for_acd307_and_usc_4-15-14.pdf (37.14 KB) 37.14 KB