

Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2014

Senate Motion #2014-69

Motion Introduced by: Thomas Schildgen, University Senate President and Helene Ossipov, University Senate President-elect.
Date of First Reading: April 16, 2014 via e-mail
Date of Second Reading: April 28, 2014
Title of Motion: Faculty Commitment to Student Success at ASU
Action Requested: The University Academic Council recommends approval of this resolution. 
Whereas, the faculty at Arizona State University are committed to the maximum intellectual and social development of the undergraduate and graduate students attending Arizona State University;
Whereas, it is understood that nothing in education succeeds like success itself, and faculty need to highlight student success as progress is made in classes, internship activities, and capstone activities.
Whereas, students admitted to the institution have achieved a defined level of success in their secondary education, thus the focus on course completion and student grades should not be a reflection of the faculty members level of rigor or efforts to cull students, as much as it is about discovering the different ways to teach the subject so students achieve competency in the desired course outcomes.
Whereas, the early assessment of freshman proficiency in Math, English, and other core courses by the faculty can facilitate the student achieving the required competencies for success in the matriculation of the curriculum for each degree program.
Whereas, increased freshman retention with 90% progress to the sophomore year increases the overall graduation success rate.
Whereas, the importance of faculty mentoring of students and its positive impact on the level of motivation and confidence, will ultimately enhance the future success of graduates in the workplace.
Whereas, faculty who involve students in their research projects will build the professional relationships necessary to foster future researchers, and increase the overall research expenditure for the institution.
Whereas, faculty understand that the ABOR 2020 Goals include increased graduation rates to raise the level of intellectual capital in the State of Arizona.
Whereas, the University Senate is committed to sharing best practices with new faculty leading to improved student success outcomes (based on Colleen Moore and Nancy Shulock in Divided We Fail, Institute for Higher Education Leadership & Policy, 2010)
Whereas, increased persistence and retention reduces the average instructional cost per degree and students remain on schedule to graduate (California Postsecondary Education Commission, 2011).
Whereas, the faculties of Arizona State University understand that it is more important to light the lamp of knowledge than just fill the vessel with facts, and the creation of lifelong learners is the ultimate goal.
Whereas, the faculty are developing alumni the day the student first walks into their classroom.
Therefore, be it RESOLVED
That the University Senate of Arizona State University, representing all faculty and academic professionals, stands committed to student success practices that will enhance freshman retention, increase graduation rates, enhance alumni relations which will ultimately lead to the successful accomplishment of the ABOR 2020 Goals, and provide the State of Arizona with the benefits of increased growth in intellectual capital.



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