
Senate Motion # 2015-27


Motion Introduced by:         Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee

Kathleen Puckett, Chair


Date of First Reading:          November 3, 2014


Date of Second Reading:      December 1, 2014

Title of Motion:                     Request from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences–  School of Life Sciences - for the establishment of a graduate degree -
MS in Biomimicry

Action Requested:

The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate approval

of a proposal submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences – School of Life Sciences

for the establishment of a graduate degree– MS in Biomimicry


Biomimicry is an emerging discipline that seeks to emulate life’s strategies for human design with a particular emphasis on sustainability. The Master of Science in Biomimicry delivered completely online, is designed to empower change-agents from a wide variety of disciplines who are passionate about learning from the world of biology and its applications to human design and want to bring the field of biomimicry into their discipline.


Graduates from the program will work toward innovative and sustainable solutions to the most pressing global challenges, from the way we conduct business, design buildings and products, run governments, provide healthcare, manufacture our goods, to how we educate future generations, drawing upon time- tested sustainable solutions of the last 3.8 billion years. They will be enabled to integrate biomimicry principles and tools into their current or planned professions, and serve as leaders in the emerging network of biomimicry researchers and practitioners.


The program is designed to address the growing global demand for biomimicry training that can match thelogistical and training needs of professionals.



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