Arizona State University
University Senate
Fall 2014
Senate Motion #2015-34
Motion Introduced by: Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, Kathleen Puckett, Chair
Date of First Reading: December 1, 2014
Date of Second Reading: January 26, 2015
Title of Motion: Request from the College of Nursing and Health Innovation – for the establishment of a graduate certificate – Biospecimen Repository Administration
Action Requested: The Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee recommends University Senate approval of a proposal submitted by the College of Nursing and Health Innovation -for the establishment of a graduate certificate – Biospecimen Repository Administration
Rationale: This Graduate Certificate in Bio-specimen Repository Administration addresses the best practices and core values of bio-specimen repository oversight. Biomedical researchers have long used biological samples to study the human condition and to develop better methods of preventing, diagnosing and treating disease. However, with the advances in bio-molecular technology, biomedical informatics, and the drive toward personalized medicine, the importance of quality, accessible, and ethically-obtained samples has become critical. The target audience for this certificate is research administrators, biotechnology managers, hospital laboratory managers, translational researchers, pharmaceutical project managers, bioengineers, nurses, physicians, and other professionals who collect, store, and/or disburse biological samples.