Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2015
Senate Motion #2015-55
Motion Introduced by: University Academic Council
Date of First Reading: January 26, 2015
Date of Second Reading: February 23, 2015
Title of Motion: ACD 401 Policy Revisions
Action Requested: The University Senate ACD 402/401 Task Force recommends that the Senate support the proposed changes to ACD 401, policy on relationships between faculty members, teachers and students.
Rationale: ACD 401 codifies the university’s policy on discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. The revised version ACD 401: Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Retaliation, updates ACD 401: Nondiscrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Nonretaliation, by including policies and procedures to implement Title IX of the Civil Rights Act and other, related federal and state laws.
Policy: A friendly amendment outlining technical changes was added on the Senate floor, the changes below include this amendment and all other recommended changes.
Click here to review the proposed version of ACD 401
During Senate review the committee provided two different documents for online posting (clean version and track changes version). These two documents did not match one another. The incorrect document was subsequently removed post Senate meeting. The hyperlink above represents the correct document provided by the comittee chair,and approved by the Senate.