Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2015
Senate Motion #2015-57
Motion Introduced by: Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, Kathleen Puckett, Chair
Date of First Reading: February 23, 2015
Date of Second Reading: March 30, 2015
Title of Motion: Request from the College of Nursing and Health Innovation – for the establishment of an undergraduate degree – BS in Health Care Innovation
Action Requested: This curricular proposal has received all college, school, unit and university administrative approvals, and is being presented to the Senate for review and voting decision.
Rationale: The BS in healthcare innovation is the first of its kind in the country, intended for students who want to lead transformative change in health through the creation of new products, processes and systems. The BS in Health Care Innovation is an interdisciplinary degree designed to prepare graduates to manage the implementation of healthcare innovation.
This degree will provide students with a broad background in principles of innovation, leadership, complexity science, change theory, collaboration, and evidence-based decision making to prepare graduates to manage implementation of innovation in the healthcare arena. This is a unique degree that situates students at the intersection of innovation and entrepreneurship in health and healing.
Graduates may be employed as entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, practitioners, health system designers, health architects, health product or service managers, public relations experts in health, health care strategists, advisors, project managers, and/or administrators.