Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2015
Senate Motion #2015-59
Motion Introduced by: University Academic Council, Helene Ossipov Chair
Date of First Reading: February 23, 2015
Date of Second Reading: March 30, 2015
Title of Motion: Amending ACD 112-01, University Senate Bylaw II. 8. A.1. Membership of the Curriculm and Academic Programs Committee
Action Requested: The University Academic Council has reviewed this motion and recommends Senate approval.
Rationale: Unlike other senate committees, the senate constitution does not contain language that outlines membership criteria for individuals who are elected to serve on the Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee. The inclusion of language regarding membership criteria will provide Colleges and Schools improved guidance on selecting members to represent their areas and ensure that faculty members from each college/school are appropriately represented.
Current language in Bylaw II.8.a.1.a reads:
8. Academic affairs committees of the University Senate
a. Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee
1. Membership
a. Elected: each college shall have one member
Proposed Language in Bylaw II.8.a.1.a. will read:
8. Academic affairs committees of the University Senate
a. Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee
1. Membership
a. Elected: each college shall have one member. Elected members must be a tenured/tenure-track faculty member, contract faculty member with a MY or RMY status, or an Academic Professional with continuing status, and may not hold an administrative position of Director or higher.