Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2015
Senate Motion #2015-65
Motion Introduced by: Student-Faculty Policy Committee, Chair Alejandra Elenes
Date of First Reading: March 30, 2015
Date of Second Reading: April 20, 2015
Title of Motion: Changing the number of minimum ASU hours earned at graduation, to qualify for graduating with academic recognition
Action Requested: Insert SFPC and UAC support of motions when/if it clears the UAC
Background: This motion was presented to the Student-Faculty Policy Committee by Senators David Wells and Kevin Ellsworth, with Support from Duane Roen, Dean of the Colleges of Letters and Sciences; Dean, University College.
Motion: Whereas currently “An undergraduate student must have completed at least 56 credit hours of resident credit at ASU to qualify for graduation with academic recognition for a baccalaureate degree. Note: West campus students following a catalog year prior to fall 2007 are required to have completed at least 50 credit hours of resident credit at ASU. https://catalog.asu.edu/undergraduate, and
Whereas that 56-hour requirement was based in part on the previous, universal limit of 64 hours transferable from community colleges (the remaining 56 hours ideally completed at ASU) and
Whereas now many of ASU’s partnership programs with community colleges in Arizona allow students to transfer 75 hours to ASU and complete their remaining 45 hours at ASU, and
Whereas students participating in these partnerships are not, therefore, eligible to graduate with academic recognition without having to complete an additional eleven credits, and
Whereas this exclusion (or requirement to complete an additional eleven credits) undermines the claims of these partnership agreements that these students share the rights of other ASU students, and
Whereas our sister institution, the University of Arizona, requires only 45 resident hours to qualify for graduation with academic recognition,
The University Senate resolves that the 56 resident hour requirement for graduation with academic recognition be changed to 45 hours.
Support Material:
Universities with 45 or fewer hours required for academic recognition upon graduation with a baccalaureate:
University of Arizona
University of California at Berkeley
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Southern California
Stanford University
Washington State University
Universities with more than 45 hours required for academic recognition upon graduation with a baccalaureate:
Oregon State University
University of California at Los Angeles
University of Oregon
University of Utah
University of Washington