
Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2015

Senate Motion #2015-70

Motion Introduced by: University Academic Council, Helene Ossipov Chair

Date of First Reading: April 20, 2015

Date of Second Reading: August 31, 2015

Title of Motion: Revisions to ACD 112-01 Article I.A.2. Academic Professional Membership in the Academic Assembly

Action Requested: The University Academic Council has reviewed this motion and recommends Senate approval.

Rationale: Academic Professionals, as currently described in the University Senate Constitution are not fully represented. The current wording leaves out two substantial groups in the fixed term appointment category (year-to-year APs and rolling multiyear APs). Approval of this motion will help ensure that over 300 additional academic professionals are assured representation by the University Senate.

Motion: If the below motion is approved by the University Senate it will then go to a vote of the Academic Assembly members for final approval, and recommended implementation.  

Current wording of ACD 112 – 01 Article I. A. 2. Definition of Academic Assembly Membership

A. Membership

  1. all faculty in a tenure-eligible or tenured position
  2. all academic professionals with full-time multi-year, probationary, or continuing appointment positions
  3. the president of the university and the provost of the university
  4. all full-time faculty with fixed appointments (i.e., instructors, lecturers, senior lecturers, principal lecturers, clinical faculty, research faculty, and professors of practice)
  5. members of the Emeritus College
  6. the membership of the Academic Assembly may be changed through amendment of this constitution.

Proposed wording of ACD 112 – 01 Article I. A. 2. Definition of Academic Assembly Membership
Proposed change is highlighted in red

A. Membership

  1. all faculty in a tenure-eligible or tenured position
  2. all academic professionals with full-time fixed term appointments, probationary, or continuing appointment positions
  3. the president of the university and the provost of the university
  4. all full-time faculty with fixed appointments (i.e., instructors, lecturers, senior lecturers, principal lecturers, clinical faculty, research faculty, and professors of practice)
  5. members of the Emeritus College
  6. the membership of the Academic Assembly may be changed through amendment of this constitution.



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