Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2015
Senate Motion #2015-70
Motion Introduced by: University Academic Council, Helene Ossipov Chair
Date of First Reading: April 20, 2015
Date of Second Reading: August 31, 2015
Title of Motion: Revisions to ACD 112-01 Article I.A.2. Academic Professional Membership in the Academic Assembly
Action Requested: The University Academic Council has reviewed this motion and recommends Senate approval.
Rationale: Academic Professionals, as currently described in the University Senate Constitution are not fully represented. The current wording leaves out two substantial groups in the fixed term appointment category (year-to-year APs and rolling multiyear APs). Approval of this motion will help ensure that over 300 additional academic professionals are assured representation by the University Senate.
Motion: If the below motion is approved by the University Senate it will then go to a vote of the Academic Assembly members for final approval, and recommended implementation.
Current wording of ACD 112 – 01 Article I. A. 2. Definition of Academic Assembly Membership
A. Membership
- all faculty in a tenure-eligible or tenured position
- all academic professionals with full-time multi-year, probationary, or continuing appointment positions
- the president of the university and the provost of the university
- all full-time faculty with fixed appointments (i.e., instructors, lecturers, senior lecturers, principal lecturers, clinical faculty, research faculty, and professors of practice)
- members of the Emeritus College
- the membership of the Academic Assembly may be changed through amendment of this constitution.
Proposed wording of ACD 112 – 01 Article I. A. 2. Definition of Academic Assembly Membership
Proposed change is highlighted in red
A. Membership
- all faculty in a tenure-eligible or tenured position
- all academic professionals with full-time fixed term appointments, probationary, or continuing appointment positions
- the president of the university and the provost of the university
- all full-time faculty with fixed appointments (i.e., instructors, lecturers, senior lecturers, principal lecturers, clinical faculty, research faculty, and professors of practice)
- members of the Emeritus College
- the membership of the Academic Assembly may be changed through amendment of this constitution.