
Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2015

Senate Motion #2015-72

Motion Introduced by: University Senate Ad-hoc Committee on Grievance Committee Policies, Chair Shirley Rose.

Date of First Reading: April 20, 2015

Date of Second Reading: August 31, 2015

Title of Motion: Revisions to ACD 112-01 Bylaw I GGC Committee Membership Requirements

Action Requested: The University Academic Council has reviewed this motion and recommends Senate approval.

Rationale: Current specifications for the Governance Grievance Committee membership identify an unrealistically high number for campuses other than Tempe. Full slates have not been created in some years. Shifting the balance of the make-up of the committee would help assure that contested elections for membership of these committees were held and that committee members thus elected were endorsed by the faculty.  

Current wording of ACD 112-01 Bylaw I 2.c.1 regarding the make-up of the Governance Grievance Committee:

The Committee shall be composed of 12 members, three from each campus, who shall be elected by the Academic Assembly from among tenured professors and tenured associate professors. Assembly members may vote only for those nominees for their campus. The term shall be three years, one third of the elected members to be replaced each year. Members may not hold administrative positions at the level of department chair or above.

Proposed wording for the above noted ACD section regarding the composition of the Governance Grievance Committee shall be:

Twelve members: six from the Tempe campus and two each from the Downtown campus, the Polytechnic campus and the West campus. Members shall be elected by the Academic Assembly from among tenured professors and tenured associate professors. Assembly members may vote only for those nominees for their campus. The term shall be three years, one third of the elected members to be replaced each year. Members may not hold administrative positions at the level of department chair or above.



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