
Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2015

Senate Motion #2015-73

Motion Introduced by: University Senate Ad-hoc Committee on Grievance Committee Policies, Chair Shirley Rose. 

Date of First Reading: April 20, 2015

Date of Second Reading: August 31, 2015

Title of Motion: Revisions to ACD 509-03: Grievance Policy for Academic Professionals, Academic Professional Grievance Committee

Action Requested: The University Academic Council has reviewed this motion and recommends Senate approval.

Rationale: This change will clarify the responsibility of all Academic Professional Grievance Committee members to be available for placement and service on individual grievance panels. It will also clarify the length of terms of all members (three years) and clarify the extent of the service obligation for those elected to serve.

Policy: Proposed Revision to  ACD 509-03: Grievance Policy for Academic Professionals, Academic Professional Grievance Committee. The indented section below will be deleted from ACD 509-03 and inserted into ACD 112-01 Bylaw I.B.2.d.1. This change makes the APGC membership requirements consistent with current membership requirement ACD location for the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure and the Governance Grievance Committee.   
All remaining edits noted below will be recommended changed upon approval of this motion.  

The relevant section (with edits) from ACD 509-03 is noted below:

The Academic Professional Grievance Committee shall be composed of five seven elected regular members and two elected alternate members. Members of the Committee shall be elected from academic professionals with continuing appointment at the university and those at the level of dean, associate or assistant dean shall be excluded from serving on the committee. Members shall be elected for a period of three years with staggered terms.[SKR1]

Alternates shall be determined based on the highest vote tallies of the remaining nominees. Alternates shall serve for a period of one year unless selected to replace a regular member, in which case, the term of service of the member being replaced will be completed.

The APGC shall elect its own chair at the end of the academic year to serve during the following year. Committee vacancies will normally be filled by returning to the ballot and certifying as elected the individual with the next largest number of votes. In the event there are no names available from the ballot pool of the previous election, the Committee on Academic Professional Status (CAPS) shall appoint an eligible academic professional to fill the vacancy.

Members of the Academic Professional Grievance Committee shall recuse themselves if they have a conflict of interest. Any party may challenge a hearing committee member or alternate for a bias or prejudice. The chair of the APGC shall make the final decision on continued participation of the member who was challenged. Replacements for members in a particular grievance or for members on leave will be selected from the two elected alternate members.

The APGC shall identify a hearing committee and a chair in the event the APGC chair cannot serve in this role for the grievance hearing. All actions at any stage of the grievance process shall be characterized by fairness, frankness, courtesy, and respect for the dignity of each individual. The hearing committee shall submit its recommendation to the provost of the university following a hearing. The provost of the university shall decide the matter. The decision shall be final, except decisions to terminate academic professionals on continuing appointment or dismiss academic professionals holding probationary or year-to-year appointments during the contract term, in which case the president will decide the matter, in keeping with ABOR 6-301(K).



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