Arizona State University
University Senate
Fall 2015
Senate Motion #2016-24
Motion Introduced by: University Academic Council Chair, Brenda Hosley
Date of First Reading: November 23, 2015
Date of Second Reading: January 25, 2016
Title of Motion: Amending University Senate Bylaw II.B.8.b.1 Personnel Committee Membership
Action Requested: This motion is to request the approval of the University Senate to add to the requirements for membership on the University Senate Personnel Committee, the inclusion of one mandatory academic professional (AP) from any campus location.
This motion has been reviewed and approved by the University Academic Council and the University Senate Personnel Committee; these committees recommend Senate approval.
Proposed change: Proposed language in Bylaw II.B.8.b.1 will read:
b. Personnel Committee
1. Membership
a. elected: 11 12 senators elected by the senate, including five from the Tempe campus and two each from the West, Polytechnic, and Downtown Phoenix campuses, and one additional member that must be an academic professional with full–time multi–year, probationary, or continuing appointment status. Senators’ votes will only be counted toward nominees from their own campus
b. ex officio nonvoting members: the university president, the provost of the university, and the chair of UAC or their designees
c. the term of the elected members shall be two years. One-half of the elected members shall be replaced each year.
Rationale: In accordance with ACD 112 – 01 (Senate Constitution) the University Senate is responsible for representing the interest of all faculty members and academic professionals within the ASU Academic Assembly. Both the University Academic Council and the current Senate Personnel Committee believe that in order for the Senate to efficiently and effectively represent APs, a permanent academic professional roster position should be maintained on the personnel committee. This permanent AP roster position will provide the personnel committee ongoing feedback on academic professional related issues, and allow the committee to react more responsively in the event that a consultative request is received in regards to AP personnel issues.
The academic professional member will be selected per the existing staffing procedure for the Senate standing committees.