
Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2016

Senate Motion #2016-30

This motion contains suggested edits from the Provost that were approved by the Senate Student-Faculty Policy Committee. 

Motion introduced by: Student Faculty Policy Committee, Keith Hollinger, chair

Date of first reading: January 25, 2016

Date of second reading: February 22, 2016

Title of motion: ACD 304 – 02, Missed Classes Due To University Sanctioned Activities

Action requested: the Student-Faculty Policy Committee and the University Academic Council have reviewed this motion and recommend Senate approval

Rationale: Whereas, the ACD provides guidance for accommodating students who miss classes, graded assignments, and examinations, the application of the policy is not consistent and actions that promote student success are not being executed fairly across the university;

whereas, students who miss classes, graded assignments, and examinations for University sanctioned activities should be accommodated;

whereas, some faculty are denying accommodations to students for officially sanctioned University activities;

whereas, some students are penalized for taking on additional University related responsibilities as students;

whereas, this category of students need to be consistently accommodated when they miss class for University sanctioned activities that interfere with their ability to complete coursework, attend class, and/or participate.

The University Senate Student-Faculty Policy Committee recommends Senate approval of this motion.

Purpose:  To provide students opportunities to make up examinations or other graded in-class work when they miss class or final exams because of university-sanctioned activities



Office of the Provost of the University


Instructors of students who participate in university-sanctioned activities, including:


Academic professionals

Administrative, classified, and university staff

Teaching assistants

Proposed Policy

Students who participate in university-sanctioned activities that require classes to be missed, shall be given opportunities to make up examinations and other graded in-class work. However, absence from class or examinations due to university-sanctioned activities does not relieve students from responsibility for any part of the course work required during the period of the absence.

The provost of the university or designee shall determine, for the purposes of this policy, whether a particular event qualifies as a university-sanctioned activity.

In each college, a specific individual (e.g., dean’s designee) shall be responsible for facilitating adherence to this policy. In particular, students who participate in university-sanctioned activities shall,

  1. In accordance with any academic unit or college requirements, be provided make up assignments, examinations, or other graded coursework that was missed because of the university sanctioned activity without penalty, if this is not possible,
  2. Receive an incomplete, with arrangements made for completing the final coursework and earning a final grade.

The aforementioned assignment makeup sequence shall be utilized unless it can be shown that such an accommodation would constitute an unreasonable burden on the instructor. Should disagreement arise over this process, or what constitutes a burden, the instructor and the student should contact the academic unit chair and, failing resolution, go to the dean, or the dean’s designee, who shall make the final determination.

The specific activity program coordinator (e.g., assistant athletics director for academic services, director of forensics, director of bands, faculty advisor, etc) shall, as early as possible, provide the course instructor with the schedule of any student who may be required to miss class because of a university-sanctioned activity.  This may be done either by contacting the instructor directly or providing the student with the information and asking him/her to deliver it to the instructor.  Students shall inform their instructors early in the semester of known required class absences, and immediately upon learning of unscheduled required class absences.


For information on early examinations for other students, see ACD 304–01, “Examinations and Grade Posting.”






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