Arizona State University
University Senate
Senate Motion #2017-15
First Reading: via E-mail on October 18, 2016
Second Reading: October 31, 2016
Proposed Courses: This motion was revised on the Senate floor, please scroll to the bottom
ACC 501 Basics of Financial Performance Reporting and Analysis
ACC 504 Basics of Internal Measures of Success: Managerial Accounting
ACO 351 Governance, Risk & Compliance
ACO 361 Secure Coding Concepts
ACO 461 Security Operations
ACT 301 Risk Management and Insurance
ART 455 Artists' Books
BMD 513 Principles of Diagnostic Technology: Immunoassays
CON 491 Construction Project Capstone
CPY 635 Professional Development
CPY 654 Biobases of Behavior
CRJ 317 Inside Out Prison Exchange Program
ECN 342 Sports Economics
ECN 504 Basics of Decisions, Market Structure and Games: Managerial Economics
ENG 235 Introduction to Contemporary Theory
ERM 533 Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies
EVE 214 Environmental Engineering Mechanics
EVE 261 Introduction to Environmental Processes
EVE 302 Environmental Engineering Fundamentals: Physical and Chemical Processes
EVE 303 Environmental Engineering Fundamentals: Biological Processes
EVE 304 Environmental Engineering Processes Lab
EXW 530 Theory and Application of Resistance Training
EXW 554 Planning and Implementation in Health Promotion
EXW 556 Program Evaluation in Health Promotion
EXW 655 Physical Activity and Public Health
FIN 455 Entrepreneurial Finance
FIN 501 Basics of Finance: The Art of Managing Resources to Create Value
FMP 370 Producing for Film and Media
FSH 201 Textiles Survey
FSH 202 Fashion Construction
FSH 203 Fashion Illustration
FSH 204 Social Aspects of Fashion
FSH 206 Fashion Design
FSH 300 Global Fashion Industry
FSH 397 Fashion Capstone Development
GIT 250 Introduction to Commercial Print
GSC 501 War, Conflict and Security
GSC 502 Security Studies
GSC 503 Future of War
GSC 504 Understanding Conflict and War
GSC 505 Law of War
GSC 506 U.S. Politics of Security
GSC 507 Global Politics of Security
GSC 508 Comparative Studies of Conflict
GSC 509 Emerging Technologies and Global Security
GSC 510 Governance in Post-Conflict & Transitional Contexts
GSC 511 Terrorism and Insurgency
GSC 512 Global Trends
GSC 550 Capstone
GTD 512 International Governance and Development of Nuclear Technologies
HCD 570 Process Engineering
HCD 575 Leadership and Professionalism
HEB 349 Israeli Wars in Israeli Movies
HSC 441 Applied Health Coaching Techniques
IAP 407 Utopia/Dystopia: Science Fiction and Media | CL: Add WST 407
IBC 110 Introduction to Integrated Behavioral Health
IBC 120 Introduction to Integrated Healthcare Systems
IEE 321 Ethics and Technical Communication
IND 424 Packaging Design
IND 504 Contemporary Issues in Industrial Design
IND 510 Foundation Industrial Design Studio
IND 511 Core Industrial Design Studio I
IND 512 Core Industrial Design Studio II
IND 516 The Culture of Objects
IND 532 Solving Problems with Life Cycle Assessment
IND 550 Furniture Design
JMC 121 Sports Production
JMC 220 Broadcast Voice and Delivery
JMC 333 Advanced Bilingual Broadcast Reporting
JMC 457 Advanced Radio Reporting
KIN 415 Theory of Corrective Exercise
KIN 515 Theory of Corrective Exercise
KIN 540 Advanced Biomechanics of Human Motion
KIN 545 Movement Assessment and Evaluation
KIN 550 Clinical Applications in Biomechanics
KIN 552 Applied Research Methods in Biomechanics
LAW 608 Taxation of Business Entities
LAW 609 Administrative Law
LES 586 Basics of Ethical Issues for Managers
MCO 307 The Digital Audience
MCO 436 Audience Research and Behavior
MCO 437 Audience Acquisition and Engagement
MCO 438 Digital Audience Analysis
MCO 439 Digital Audience Growth
MCO 517 Public Relations Campaigns
MCO 521 News Producing
MCO 557 Advanced Radio Reporting
MGT 501 Basics of Leading People, Teams & Organizations: Org Theory
MGT 528 Basics of Mastering the Art of Influence and Negotiations
MGT 586 Basics of Sources of Competitive Advantage I
MKT 280 Fashion Merchandising | CL: Add FSH 280
MKT 451 Sports Business Analytics
MKT 501 Basics of Create and Deliver Customer Value: Marketing Management
MUP 360 Musicianship for Singers
NTR 302 Digital Technologies in Nutrition Communication
NTR 555 Nutrition and the Athlete
PAF 605 Organization Theory and Behavior Seminar
PAF 609 Advanced Quantitative Methods Seminar
RDG 572 Literacy Teacher Leader
SCM 501 Basics of Operations & Supply Management
SES 141 Energy In Everyday Life
SGS 361 World Society: Imagining the World
SHS 300 Foundations of Rehabilitation Science
SHS 340 Chronic Illness, Disability, and the Environment
SHS 360 Rehabilitation for Children and Adolescents in Educational Settings
THE 431 History of Fashion II: 20th Century Fashion
WPC 300 Problem Solving and Actionable Analytics
WPC 504 Basics of Understanding Facts: Statistics for Managers
The following courses were removed from the consent agenda and a vote to postpone them until the 11-28-2016 meeting was approved by the Senators. See Senate meeting #3 minutes 10-31-2016, once posted.
CAP 120 Introduction to Counseling
CAP 220 Exploring Cultural Diversity in Counseling
CAP 240 Counseling Skills
CAP 260 Survey of Careers in Counseling and Applied Psychology
CAP 310 Addictions I - Foundations and Basic Principles
CAP 315 Trauma and Crisis Intervention
CAP 320 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy
CAP 325 Professional Practice and Ethics in Counseling
CAP 330 Group Counseling
CAP 340 Multicultural Counseling Theory and Practice
CAP 342 Community Outreach, Prevention and Intervention
CAP 400 Advanced Counseling Research Methods
CAP 420 School Counseling
CAP 440 Addictions II - Treatment, Recovery, and Relapse Prevention