
Arizona State University
University Senate

Senate Motion #2017-32


First Reading:  via E-mail on January 17, 2017
Second Reading:  January 30, 2017

Title:  New Course Proposal Consent Agenda
Proposed Courses:

ART 367         Ceramic Vessels

ASM 313        Great Adaptations AST 540 Astronomical Instrumentation and Data Analysis

CPP 101          Foundations of Cross Sector Leadership

CPP 301          Cross-Sector Collaboration

FMS 375         LGBTV: Television and Sexuality

HST 597          Capstone

IBC 640          Family and Couples in Primary Care

IBC 650          Veterans Health

IBC 716          Healthcare Information Management

IBC 732          Leadership in Healthcare

IBC 740          Integrated Behavioral Interventions, Cost Savings, Medical Cost Offset and Return on Investment

POS 365          Terrorism and Insurgency

SES 480          Teaching Earth and Space Sciences












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