
Arizona State University
University Senate

Senate Motion #2017-41


Motion Introduced by: Constitution and Bylaws Task Force. Shirley Rose Chair

Date of First Reading: February 27, 2017

Date of Second Reading: March 27, 2017

Title of Motion: ACD 112-01 Constitution and Bylaws Perfecting Changes

Action Requested: The Constitution and Bylaws Task Force Recommends Senate Approval.

Rationale: Article III of the ASU Senate Constitution calls for a review of the Constitution and Bylaws every four years. After review and discussion, the 2016-17 Senate Constitution and Bylaws Task Force proposed the changes covered in this motion. This motion includes all proposed perfecting amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws. Perfecting amendments correct errors of fact, errors in grammar, and errors of; perfecting amendments also eliminate redundancies or contradictions and correct to indicate updated technologies.

Policy Proposal: Click on the documents in the upper right hand portion of this webpage to review all the perfecting changes. Perfecting changes are highlighted in yellow. 




Additional Documents

Attachment Size
bylaw_ii_master_from_acdonline_1-27-2017.pdf (206.4 KB) 206.4 KB
bylaw_iii_master_from_acdonline_1-27-2017.pdf (160.82 KB) 160.82 KB