
Arizona State University
University Senate

Senate Motion #2017-55


Motion Introduced by: Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, Caroline Harrison, Chair

Date of First Reading: March 27, 2017

Date of Second Reading: April 24, 2017

Title of Motion: Request from the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts – for the establishment of an undergraduate certificate – Desert Food Production

Action Requested: This curricular proposal has received all college, school, unit and university administrative approvals, and is being presented to the Senate for review and voting decision.   

Rationale: The Desert Food Production certificate equips students interested in producing foods locally with the knowledge and skills to grow edible plants and to navigate the challenges unique to desert climates. The program would be open to students of all majors at ASU and would have courses that are currently offered in the applied biological sciences degree program at its core. The 18-credit hour certificate emphasizes organic food production, sustainable horticultural technologies, green waste reduction, water conservation, maintaining biodiversity and biological cycles and enhancing soil quality. Students who complete the certificate will have marketable skills that will enable them to participate in the growing trend of producing and consuming local foods.




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