Arizona State University
University Senate
Senate Motion #2018-14
First Reading: via E-mail on October 16, 2017
Second Reading: October 30, 2017
Proposed Courses: Lined through courses were not approved and postponed to SM#4, pending unit discussions
ABS 467 Comparative Immunology
ACC 507 Innovations with Auditing Technologies
ACC 508 Generating Audit Analytics using Accounting Information Systems
ACC 509 Statistics for Accounting Analytics
ACO 501 Database Systems and Problem Solving in Python
ACT 420 Ratemaking and Reserving
APA 355 Asian American Psychology
BIO 475 Advanced Human Anatomy
BMD 514 Principles of Diagnostic Technology: Molecular Diagnostics
BME 122 Statistics for Biomedical Engineers
BME 316 Biomechanics for Biomedical Engineers
BME 467 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
BME 567 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
BUS 436 Frontiers in Risk Management
CEL 100 Great Ideas of Politics and Ethics
CEL 200 Great Debates in American Politics and Economics
CEL 235 Federalists, Anti-Federalists, and the Enduring Debate over American Constitutionalism
CEL 300 Capitalism and Great Economic Debates
CEL 305 Classical Political Philosophy and Statesmanship: The Greeks
CEL 320 Modern Political Thought: Origins and Debates about Modern Liberty
CEL 345 Classics of Modern Economic Thought: Smith to Hayek and Beyond
CEL 345 Classics of Modern Economic Thought: Smith to Hayek and Beyond
CEL 375 Politics and Leadership in the Age of Revolutions, 1776-1826
CEL 475 Statesmanship and American Grand Strategy
CEL 485 Capstone Seminar in Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership
CHS 300 The Science of Happiness
CIS 312 Business Mobile Commerce and Monetization
CIS 541 Business Data Visualization
CON 343 Advanced Heavy Equipment Operations
CRJ 411 Legal Issues in Corrections
CRJ 444 Institutional Corrections
CRJ 445 Tools for Engaging Correctional Populations
CRJ 533 Seminar in White Collar Crime
CRJ 535 Seminar in Crime and Forensic Mental Health
CRJ 558 Seminar in International Terrorism
FAS 510 Bayesian Analyses in the Social Sciences | CL: Add SOC 510
FMP 280 Introduction to Film and Media Production
FMP 335 Careers in Film and Media Industry
FMP 350 Documentary Filmmaking
GIS 270 Statistics for Geography and Planning
IED 501 Critical Indigenous Research Methodologies
IED 502 Indigenous Knowledges in Education
IED 503 Current Issues in American Indian Education
IED 535 Community-Based Participatory Action Research
IED 585 Capstone
JUS 371 Sexuality and Social Justice
LSC 519 Applied Learning Lab
LSC 562 Applied Mathematics Techniques in Biology
MAE 562 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics - Interfaces
MAT 353 Mathematics and Cancer
MAT 412 Differential Geometry
MCO 561 Defining the Digital Audience
MCO 562 Digital Audience Acquisition and Search Engine Marketing
MCO 563 Social Media Campaigns and Engagement
MCO 565 Digital Audience Analytics
MUP 439 Music Product Creation and Development
NEW 100 Introduction to Conflict Resolution
NTR 502 Statistics in Research
NTR 524 Chronic Inflammation and Metabolic Syndrome: the Common Pathway for Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes
PSY 384 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
PSY 502 Professional Issues in Psychology
PSY 517 Quantitative Analysis III
PSY 549 Capstone in Forensic Psychology
PSY 553 Capstone in General Psychology
SES 126 Exploration of the Universe
SES 128 Exploration of the Universe Lab
SES 130 Coding for Exploration
SES 501 SESE Colloquium
SES 502 Exploring SESE Research
SPE 562 Personnel Supervision and Organizational Behavior Management in Educational Settings
SPE 564 Controversial Therapies; Science, Fad and Pseudoscience in Educational Settings
TWC 214 Storytelling with Data
TWC 596 Technical Communication Capstone
WPC 148 Freshman Career Preparation
WPC 248 Sophomore Career Preparation
WPC 347 Intermediate Career Preparation
WPC 348 Junior Career Preparation
WPC 449 Campus to Career