Arizona State University
University Senate
Senate Motion #2018-18
First Reading: via E-mail on November 15, 2017
Second Reading: November 27, 2017
Proposed Courses:
ARB 315 Advanced Arabic for Heritage Speakers
ARB 340 Arabic Translation
BIO 160 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 432 Why People Steal, Cheat, and Lie
BME 360 Control in Biological Systems
BME 362 Methods in Molecular and Cellular Biology
CEL 100 Great Ideas of Politics and Ethics
CEL 200 Great Debates in American Politics and Economics
CEL 235 Federalists, Anti-Federalists, and the Enduring Debate over American Constitutionalism
CEL 300 Capitalism and Great Economic Debates
CEL 305 Classical Political Philosophy and Statesmanship: The Greeks (course was approved outside the consent agenda)
CEL 320 Modern Political Thought: Origins and Debates about Modern Liberty (course was approved outside the consent agenda)
CEL 345 Classics of Modern Economic Thought: Smith to Hayek and Beyond
CEL 375 Politics and Leadership in the Age of Revolutions, 1776-1826
CEL 475 Statesmanship and American Grand Strategy
CIS 565 Artificial Intelligence and Business
CPP 511 Hazard Mitigation Planning
CPP 513 Public Private Partnerships for Emergency Management and Homeland Security
EXW 486 Applied Projects In Health Education and Health Promotion
FMP 350 Documentary Filmmaking Not voted on: removed from the agenda at the request of the originating unit.
JUS 651 Theorizing Sexuality & Social Justice
KOR 375 Intercultural Communication in Korea | CL: Add SLC 375
KOR 415 Korean Popular Culture | CL: Add SLC 415
LAW 670 Pro Sport Team Ops/Legal Issues
LAW 671 Sports Venue Construction:Legal & Financial Issues
LAW 673 Risk Management for Venues in the Sports Industry
LAW 676 Amateur Sports Law
LAW 672 History of MLB Since World War II
LAW 674 NCAA Compliance, Infractions & Enforcement
LAW 675 Professional Sports Law
LSC 547 Wet Laboratory Experience
LSC 555 Integrative Biology I
LSC 556 Integrative Biology II
MCO 564 Digital Audience Research and Behavior
MCO 566 Digital Audience Management
MUP 539 Music Product Creation and Development
NTR 510 Food and Nutrition Across the Lifespan
SHS 578 Fluency Disorders
SLB 519 Pro Sport Team Ops/Legal Issues-MSLB
SLB 520 Sports Venue Construction:Legal & Financial Issues-MSLB
SLB 581 U.S. Law & Legal Analysis through Sport - MSLB
SLB 521 Risk Mgmt for Venues in the Sports Industry-MSLB
SLB 522 NCAA Compliance, Infractions & Enforcement-MSLB
SLB 523 History of MLB Since World War II - MSLB
SLC 425 What is Globalization? A History of Contact and Conflict
SPA 546 Heritage Language Pedagogy
SST 520 Learning Technologies in Native Education
SST 530 Culture and Education
STP 560 Experimental Statistics in Biology
TEL 102 Professional Educator Series: My Network Footprint Not voted on: removed from the consent agenda at the request of the originating unit.
TEL 202 Professional Educator Series: My Impact Not voted on: removed from the consent agenda at the request of the originating unit.