Arizona State University
University Senate
Senate Motion #2018-23
Motion Introduced by: Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, Caroline Harrison, Chair
Date of First Reading: November 27, 2017
Date of Second Reading: January 29, 2018
Title of Motion: Request from the College of Public Service and Community Solutions –School of Criminology and Criminal Justice- for the establishment of an undergraduate certificate - Law and Human Behavior
Action Requested: This curricular proposal has received all college, school, unit and university administrative approvals, and is being presented to the Senate for review and voting decision.
Rationale: “Law and Human Behavior” is an umbrella term that encompasses various aspects of forensic psychology, law, and justice. This rapidly emerging field examines how the justice system intersects with psychology, as well as select subfields of the mental health professions. Educational programs in the field are typically designed to educate students to work with people within the criminal and civil justice systems. This 18-credit certificate program is no exception, although it focuses on the criminal justice aspects of forensic psychology, emphasizing victimology, offender treatment, criminal incapacity, mental health law, juvenile justice and delinquency, and the dynamics of how the criminal justice system intersects with behavioral science.