
Arizona State University
University Senate

Senate Motion #2018-32


Motion Introduced by: Student-Faculty Policy Committee, Chair, Daniel McCarville

Date of First Reading: February 26, 2018

Date of Second Reading: March 26, 2018

Title of Motion: Resolution on Graders and Teaching Assistants

Action Requested: The Senate Student-Faculty Policy Committee and the University Academic Council recommend approval of this resolution. 

Whereas classes have become larger in many units without a corresponding rise in course support (graders and TAs);

whereas lack of transparency in allocation of course support has created inequities and inconsistencies among faculty/graduate student teachers;

whereas taking into account specific identifiable factors – course type (online, in person, writing intensive, etc.), instructor type (untenured or tenured professor, graduate student, faculty associate, instructors, etc.), instructor course load and administrative duties, course enrollment, etc. – can contribute to the establishment of more manageable and equitable workloads and ensure the overall quality of course instruction;

whereas classes without adequate course support may negatively impact the professional trajectory of teaching professionals and compromise the quality of education offered to students;

be it resolved that the University Senate of Arizona State University, representing all faculty members and academic professionals, recommends that:

  1. The Provost require all units across the university to work with their faculty to create written policies regarding course enrollment limits in their unit.
  2. The Provost require all units across the university to work with their faculty to create written policies regarding allocation of course support (graders and TAs) in their units.



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