Arizona State University
University Senate
Senate Motion #2018-32
Motion Introduced by: Student-Faculty Policy Committee, Chair, Daniel McCarville
Date of First Reading: February 26, 2018
Date of Second Reading: March 26, 2018
Title of Motion: Resolution on Graders and Teaching Assistants
Action Requested: The Senate Student-Faculty Policy Committee and the University Academic Council recommend approval of this resolution.
Whereas classes have become larger in many units without a corresponding rise in course support (graders and TAs);
whereas lack of transparency in allocation of course support has created inequities and inconsistencies among faculty/graduate student teachers;
whereas taking into account specific identifiable factors – course type (online, in person, writing intensive, etc.), instructor type (untenured or tenured professor, graduate student, faculty associate, instructors, etc.), instructor course load and administrative duties, course enrollment, etc. – can contribute to the establishment of more manageable and equitable workloads and ensure the overall quality of course instruction;
whereas classes without adequate course support may negatively impact the professional trajectory of teaching professionals and compromise the quality of education offered to students;
be it resolved that the University Senate of Arizona State University, representing all faculty members and academic professionals, recommends that:
- The Provost require all units across the university to work with their faculty to create written policies regarding course enrollment limits in their unit.
- The Provost require all units across the university to work with their faculty to create written policies regarding allocation of course support (graders and TAs) in their units.