Arizona State University
University Senate
Senate Motion #2019-01
First Reading: via E-mail on August 13, 2018
Second Reading: August 27, 2018
Proposed Courses:
ACT 370 R and Excel for Actuaries
COM 455 Surveillance and Popular Culture
COM 482 Communication, Instruction, and Training
CPP 576 Information Assurance Principles
CPP 577 Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection
CPP 578 Cyber Defense
ECN 479 Experiments in Economics
ENG 417 Virtual Worlds for Global Communication
ENG 439 Technoliteracies
ENG 441 Introduction to Participatory Media
ENG 443 Gender, Culture and Literacy
ENG 449 Masculinities, Femininities and Literacies
ENV 103 Field & Lab Geology for Environmental Science
HCD 517 Economic Evaluation in Healthcare
HCD 527 Healthcare Economics and Financial Management
HCD 537 Comparative Health Care Systems
HCD 547 Health Leadership and Workforce Management
HCD 557 Clinical Governance & Risk Management
HCD 567 Current Challenges in Infectious Disease
HCD 577 Infection Prevention Control in the Healthcare Setting
HCD 587 Infectious Diseases Intelligence
HON 386 Writing about Self and Place
IAP 496 Playworks Portfolio
INT 581 Preinternship Seminar for Interior Architecture
KIN 424 Neural Aspects of Movement and Rehabilitation
MSC 221 Popular Music Lab: Rhythm Section
MSC 443 Popular Music Forum
MSC 451 Popular Music Industry Studies I
MSC 452 Popular Music Industry Studies II
PSY 224 Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
PSY 567 Prevention Organization and Community Change
PSY 678 Preventive Psychosocial Interventions That Work
REL 620 Theories in the Anthropology of Religion
REL 626 Themes in the Anthropology of Religion
SHS 568 Special Populations in Communication Disorders
SHS 586 Language Essentials for Teaching Reading
SWG 647 The Domestic Violence Movement: An Intersectional Framework
SWG 648 Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment
TWC 436 Project Management in Technical Communication
VTS 301 Veterans, Society and Service: Experience of America's Modern Wars
VTS 302 Representations and Self-Representations of Veterans in the Media and the Arts
VTS 402 Undergraduate Research