
Arizona State University
University Senate

Senate Motion #2019-23

Motion Introduced by: University Senate, Student Faculty Policy Committee, Stefania Tracogna chair.

Date of First Reading: November 26, 2018

Date of Second Reading: January 28, 2019

Title of Motion: Amending SSM 201-08:  Withdrawal from Classes-General Policy

Action Requested: This motion is to request approval from the University Senate to make the following amendments to SSM 201-08 Withdrawal from Classes – General Policy.  This motion has been approved by the University Academic Council.

Click here to see the current version of SSM 201-08 in its entirety

See the bolded and italicized text below for the proposed policy change.

Course Withdrawal

During the first 10 weeks of session C of the fall or spring semester, or the first three weeks of a summer session or sessions A and B of the fall or spring semester, a student may withdraw from a class or classes and receive a grade of “W.” Classes with alternate begin and end dates will have an adjusted withdrawal schedule, and students may need to submit the Withdrawal Request in person at University Registrar Services. Students who withdraw from the same course three or more times are required to consult with their unit academic advisor to request approval prior to enrolling again in that course.

Rationale: The Senate Student Faculty Policy Committee believes this policy change will better ensure that students who are struggling in a particular class will be connected with their unit academic advisor.  Once connected with the advisor it can be better determined why the student is having difficulty completing the course. The advisor, if necessary in collaboration with the faculty member teaching the course,  can help the student devise a strategy for completing the course, for instance, by referring the student to suitable tutoring resources. Alternatively, the academic advisor can help determine the appropriateness of the student’s current degree program. The committee believes that this will improve student retention and graduation success, especially for those courses that present themselves as a roadblock to graduation for a struggling student.  The committee also believes this policy change will reduce the number of individuals enrolled in a course who may not intend to complete the course.  Reducing the number of students enrolled in a course with no intention of completing it opens up spots for students looking to gain access to the class to complete a program of study and stay on track for graduation.




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