

Arizona State University
University Senate

Senate Motion #2019-40

First Reading: via E-mail on March 11, 2019
Second Reading:
 March 25, 2019

Proposed Courses

AME    240    Introduction to Physical Computing

BMY    230    How Nature Works | CL: Add BIO 230

BMY    302    Principles of Life

BMY    304    The Practice of Biomimicry

BMY    430    Biomimicry Practicum

EDU     301    Why Education?

EDU     304    The Bridge Between Coursework, Identity and Career

EDU     396    Internship in Non-profit Learning Environments

EDU     402    Partnering to Advance Educational Initiatives

EDU     403    Planning for the Senior Capstone Project

EDU     404    Navigating Change in Educational Innovations

FOR     565    Laboratory Leadership, Policy, and Practice | CL: Add PTX 565, LSC 565

HCA    501    Perspectives on Aging and the Life Course

HCA    503    Diversity in Aging

HCA    509    Interventions to Support Aging in Place

HCA    510    Innovations in Program Development and Policy

HCS     501    Foundations in Health Care Simulation

HCS     502    Health Care Simulation Educational Assessment and Debriefing Methods

HCS     503    Principles of Operations Management in Healthcare

LAW    681    Construction Law

LAW    682    Persuasive Speech

LAW    685    Separation of Powers

LAW    686    Victims in Criminal Procedure

LAW    687    Civil Pretrial Practice

LAW    688    Jury Selection

LAW    716    Contract Drafting

LAW    751    Death Penalty

LAW    779    Lisa Foundation Patent Law Clinic

LAW    786    Post-Conviction Clinic

LSE      305    Conceptualizing Learning: Theories in Practice

LSE      401    Designing Learning Environments for Inclusion

MSC     551    Popular Music Industry Studies I

MUD    522    Advanced Urban Design Studio II

NTR     556    NTR 556 Thermoregulation and Fluid Balance

NUR    514    Nursing Theory: Nursing Fundamentals

NUR    515    Nursing Concepts for Psychiatric Mental Health

NUR    516    Nursing Practice: Psychiatric Mental Health

NUR    517    Nursing Practice: Pediatrics

NUR    518    Nursing Practice: Adults

NUR    524    Nursing Practice: Childbearing Family

SDO     511    Administrative Agencies/Regulation: Masters

SDO     515    Criminal Law: Masters

SDO     516    Criminal Procedure: Masters

SDO     529    U.S. Constitutional Law: Masters

SDO     535    Negotiation: Masters

SDO     545    Arbitration: Masters

SDO     546    Mediation: Masters

SDO     568    Integrating Legal Principles and Business Practices: Masters

SFS      560    Tools and Tactics for Food Policy Change

SFS      561    Food and Farm Immersion Experience

SFS      562    Managing Natural Resources for Food Production

SFS      563    Applied Food Policy Immersion Experience  

SFS      564    American Agriculture in the Global Context

SFS      565    Organizational Leadership

SLB      525    Sports Big Events: Law/Biz/Ops: MSLB

SOS      548    Transformational Sustainability Entrepreneurship

TGM    586    Global Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business

TGM    601    Megatrends: Understanding Future Drivers and Their Influences

TGM    602    Sustainable Futures: Building, Tapping and Creating Shared Value in a Changing World

TGM    603    Shaping Markets: Market Entry and Winning Strategies

TGM    604    Capturing Dividends: Finding, Fostering and Exploiting New Insights

TGM    605    Delivering Results I: Resourcing and Influencing to Maximize Impact

TGM    606    Delivering Results II: Peak Dynamism Execution and Comprehensive Debrief

THP      571    Devising I: Concept, Collaboration and Authorship

THP      572    Devising II: Methods

THP      573    Devising III: Projects

THP      574    Devising IV: Production



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