Arizona State University
University Senate
Senate Motion #2019-53
First Reading: via E-mail on April 9, 2019
Second Reading: April 22, 2019
Proposed Courses
ARS 370 The Art of the Comic
ARS 403 Art of the Aztec Empire
ARS 503 Art of the Aztec Empire
BIO 407 Novel Ecosystems
BIO 551 Cell Biotechnology
CAP 335 Addiction Group Counseling
EXW 510 Obesity Perspectives and Prescriptions
IFT 310 Information Systems Project Development
IFT 360 Applications in Artificial Intelligence
JMC 419 Strategic Communications Leadership and Ethics
JUS 530 Social Policy, Critical Advocacy and Disability
LIN 597 MTESOL Capstone
MSC 552 Popular Music Industry Studies II
NUR 533 Nursing Concepts: Childbearing Family
NUR 542 Readiness to Practice
NUR 610 Genomics and Population Health | CL: Add HCR 610
OGL 556 Leadership for Wicked Environmental Problems
OGL 558 Leading Organizational Innovation
OGL 559 Modeling Systems and Stakeholders
OGL 565 The Future of Work and Organizations
OGL 569 Indigenous Leadership and Diplomacy
PHS 115 The Science of Musical Instruments