

Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2019

Senate Motion #2019-55

Motion Introduced by:  Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, Lili Wang, Chair 

Date of First Reading:   April 22, 2019

Date of Second Reading: September 9, 2019

Title of Motion: Request from the Thunderbird School of Global Management - for the establishment of an undergraduate certificate – International Trade

Action Requested: This curricular proposal has received all college, school, unit and university administrative approvals, and is being presented to the Senate for review and voting decision.

Rationale: This Thunderbird Undergraduate Certificate in International Trade will help prepare students for careers in international trade that are in increasingly high demand, such as global logistics managers, freight forwarders, international compliance managers, country and regional marketing managers. In terms of comparable academic programs at other institution, there is a Certificate in International Business at the W. P. Carey School of Business. Nevertheless, Thunderbird’s Certificate in International Trade includes unique courses that are targeted specifically to those interested in careers in international trade, such as “International Trade and Regional Economic Agreements” and “Global Risk Assessment and Management.”



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