

Arizona State University
University Senate
Spring 2019

Senate Motion #2019-57

Motion Introduced by:  Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, Lili Wang, Chair 

Date of First Reading:   April 22, 2019

Date of Second Reading: September 9, 2019

Title of Motion: Request from the Thunderbird School of Global Management –for the establishment of a graduate degree – MGLS in Global Leadership and Strategy

Action Requested: This curricular proposal has received all college, school, unit and university administrative approvals, and is being presented to the Senate for review and voting decision.

Rationale: The MGLS in Global Leadership and Strategy is a global cohort executive leadership and strategy program that centers on development of advanced capabilities to conceptualize and deliver profitable growth along with the competencies to lead the strategy execution effort in a complex and dynamic global environment. This requires an innovative, integrated educational experience. Rather than a static arrangement of courses fragmented by disciplines this program more closely patterns executive decision realities by orienting around key themes that naturally flow from the macro to the micro, global to local, public to private, drawing from and interweaving relevant disciplines to successfully address the pressing issues executives face. It is by definition trans-disciplinary in nature and reflects this fundamental philosophy in both approach and execution.



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