Arizona State University
University Senate
Senate Motion #2020-22
First reading: via email October 23, 2019
Second reading: November 04, 2019
Proposed courses:
ARS 350 Museums: Meaning and Function
ART 308 2D Digital Animation
ART 312 Illustration
ART 417 Storyboarding and Narrative Sequencing
ART 424 Stop Motion Animation
ASB 250 Introduction to Evolution and Medicine | CL: Add BIO 250
BIO 357 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory
CHE 468 Polymer Principles and Processing
CHE 473 Fuel Cells and Biofuel Cells
CHE 568 Polymer Principles and Processing
CHE 573 Fuel Cells and Biofuel Cells
CHI 501 Proseminar: East Asian Humanities | CL: Add JPN 501
DCE 302 A History of American Urban Dance
EMS 589 MSL Capstone Project Preparation
ENG 339 Creating Dramatic Works: Page to Stage to Screen | CL: Add IAP 339, COM 339
ENG 419 Writing in Digital Spaces
EVO 501 Current Topics in Evolutionary Biology
GLE 503 Evaluating Global Education Policies and Programs
GLE 504 Exploring Global Issues in the Global Education Research Literature
GLE 506 Applied Inquiry in Global Education: Developing Proposals for Field Research
HCR 564 Global Regulatory Affairs Leadership
HST 644 Area Studies in History
ITA 114 Gateway to Italy
IVD 525 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Leadership
IVD 560 Innovation Studio I: Discovery and Insight
IVD 561 Innovation Studio II: Problem Reframing
IVD 562 Innovation Studio III: Explore, Fail, Solve
IVD 630 Scaling Entrepreneurial Leadership
IVD 660 Innovation Studio IV: Business Model
IVD 661 Innovation Studio V: Scale
JHR 549 Capstone in Social Justice and Human Rights
JPN 586 History of Japanology
KIN 466 Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology
MAE 460 Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics
MAE 503 Finite Elements in Engineering
MHL 365 Popular Music and Race
MHL 547 Music and Healing
MUS 246 Singing for Nonmajors II
NUR 426 Health and Illness Concepts Advanced
OGL 550 Leading Organizational Change
PAF 361 Hazards and Risk Management
SCN 310 Biodiversity Conservation: An Educational Inquiry
SES 225 Global Biogeochemical Cycles
SSP 242 Resistance Training Foundations for Performance
SSP 275 Experiential Seminar for Sports Science
TEL 708 Collaborative Approaches to Data-Informed Decision Making
TEL 709 Directed Field-Based Study
TEL 710 Innovations in Disseminating Research