

Motion Introduced by: Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee

Date of First Reading: November 4, 2019

Date of Second Reading: December 2, 2019

Title of Motion: Request from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences – for the Transfer of an undergraduate certificate (a.k.a. academic organizational change) – Veterans, Service and Society – From: Dean’s Office, The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences – To: College of Integrative Sciences and Arts

Action Requested: This curricular proposal has received all college, school, unit and university administrative approvals, and is being presented to the Senate for review and voting decision.   

Rationale: We are requesting to move the undergraduate certificate in Veterans, Society and Service to the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts (CISA) for the following reasons: 1) Long-term sustainability, growth, and management of the certificate, 2) Presence of CISA on all four metropolitan campuses and online, 3) Faculty leadership - with the retirement of Mark Von Hagen, Emeritus Professor, School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, we are transitioning the leadership responsibilities to Manuel Aviles-Santiago, Associate Professor in CISA.



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