Arizona State University
University Senate
Senate Motion #2020-61
First reading: via email March 17, 2020
Second reading: March 30, 2020
Proposed courses:
COM 328 Communicating Science - Public Speaking
CRD 570 Foundations of Community Development
CRD 571 The Community Development Process
CRD 573 Local and Regional Development
CRD 574 Applied Research Skills
CRD 577 Community Building Practice
CRD 596 Community Development Capstone
CRJ 407 Police Use of Force
CSE 475 Foundations of Machine Learning
DAT 250 Data Science and Society
DAT 300 Mathematical Tools for Data Science
DAT 301 Exploring Data in R and Python
DAT 401 Statistical Modeling and Inferenece for Data Science
DAT 402 Statistical Learning
DAT 490 Data Science Capstone
DCE 139 Latinx Dance Practices I
DCE 306 Origins of Salsa: Global and Social Contexts
ENG 206 Introduction to Literary Studies
ENG 304 Critical Theories and Methods
ENG 350 Studies in Literary Histories and Traditions
ENG 444 Topics for Interdisciplinary Study of Literature and Culture
ENG 491 Topics for Advanced Research
EXW 426 Exercise for Neuromuscular Conditions
FMP 215 Beginning Post-Production for Film & Television: Adobe Premier Pro
FMP 461 Advanced Screenwriters Workshop
GIS 202 Drones to Satellites: Observing Earth from Above
HCR 543 Food Safety and Protection
HCR 544 Assessing Food Safety and Developing Policy Procedures and Training
HCR 550 Quality Assurance and Safety in Food & Dietary Supplements
INT 650 Diversity and Design
MAE 509 Linear Matrix Inequality Methods in Optimal and Robust Control
MSE 511 Mathematical and Computer Methods in Materials
PIT 501 Principles of Public Interest Technology
PIT 502 Co-Designing the Future
PIT 503 Technology Impact Assessments
PIT 504 Public Engagement Strategies
RDG 510 Literacies, Digital Technologies, and Learning
RDG 515 Multimodal Literature for Children and Adolescents
RDG 518 Supporting Language and Literacy for Diverse Learners
RDG 519 Writing Throughout the Lifespan
RDG 530 Literacy Methods, Assessment, and Reflection for Children (Pre-K to Grade 5)
RDG 540 Literacy Methods, Assessment and Reflection for Adolescents and Adults (Grade 6-Adult)
RDG 597 Capstone
SFS 596 Capstone
SLC 214 The World's Game: History and Culture of Soccer | CL: Add HST 214
THP 487 Advanced Screen Acting